📌The Blaze Pearl Event
How far can your luck take you?
🔰 Event Information 🔰
- 3 GM’s must use chaos potion
- 3 GM’s will spawn in different chess map area
- 3 GM’s will have to %charcall all the players in each of his location since all race have each respective chess map area to avoid PVP. Thus the GM’s for bellato must summon his bellato participants hence for cora and accretia.
- 3 GM’s will use the event weapon needed for this event to attack the player one time
- 3 GM’s is also advised to use 2 pcs of [%iax***] for maximum accuracy.
- The GM’s will then hit the players in the line 1 time each. It will continue until only 1 player on each race is standing.
- If the GM’s hit miss or gets blocked, the GM will hit the player again. [ it is advised that players remove counter attack and Avoidance attribute increasing items].
- All the finalist on each race will be summoned in Dungeon03 then each GM will hit the 3 remaining participants once until 1 is left standing. The first one who dies will get 3rd place, the second who dies gets 2nd place and the one that is left standing is the 1st place winner.
- Players who gets disconnected is out of the event.
- Specialist Class Players who use Revive or Resurrect or Recall will be out of the event.
- The Blaze Pearl weapon has 75% chance of casting blaze pearl meaning player survival rate is 25%
- Blaze Pearl Weapon cast has a force attack power of 500,000 – 750,000.
- Given a scenario that the blaze pearl gets cast after hitting the player and for some reason the player survives, he is still out of the event.
- If the player dies after getting hit by the Blaze Pearl cast of the GM weapon, He is out of the game.
- A player that has been killed may choose to respawn back to his/her HQ or can stay around dead and watch the game.
- No spectators will be spawned in the event area, only spawn those who will participate the event.
- If someone messaged you for respawn and they turned out to be from another race, the GM’s have sanctioned to kill them on that map causing them to loose temporary points. [ Example: Accretia PM’s the Bellato GM to be spawned in the chess map event area for bells, the GM can kill him so he respawns back to ACC HQ and not cause chaos on bellato chess map area ]
- There is no Level requirement for this event.
- Impossible to type names will not be spawned in the event, or that may remain on the GM’s decision if they will or not. [ Names such as IIIIII, or long names, names with special character, etc ]
- This event is based on pure LUCK, even can never know who will win.
📌NOTE: Once you are recalled in one place you must FORM ONE LINE and WINNERS on this event will have their IP CHECKED in case of dummy accounts and multiple log ins.
1st prize = Washing Machine
2nd prize = Air Fryer
3rd prize = Rice Cooker
Here in RF Uprising we are bringing the comfort of these appliances in to your home!
Date: January 13, 2021 (Today)
Call time 6:30 PM
Start 7:00 PM
Don’t miss out winning these amazing appliances only here in Rising Force – The Uprising.
📌Dont forget to LIKE & SHARE this on different groups to support the server. 😊
🌐Website: https://rftheuprising.com/
🌐Game CP: https://uprisingforce.gamecp.net/
🌐Download the game: https://bit.ly/3n42g8g
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🔰Register here/Game CP: https://bit.ly/3hkZI3V
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🔰RF The Uprising RMT Group: https://bit.ly/3nXSOEA