RF Uprising

RF Uprising

Creating the latest RF online guides and content.


📌RF Uprising presents The Mini Chip War!

In celebration for our 2nd month, this event will start as a stepping stone to a day of PVP and other surprises.

🔰Event Information🔰
3 chips will be spawned not far from your respective Sette Portals. You must defend your chip at all cost, and you must annihilate either of the other 2 race chips.

Whichever race last hits another chip they will share the spoils with there race.

Any kinds of force is allowed in order to win, the victory lies upon how good your race will initiate your own strategies.

On a personal note. I would Iike all races to do this without joining forces, but of course it is in your hands how this event plays out.

The event will finish once a chip is destroyed.

6:30 PM Regrouping Time



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🌐Website: https://rftheuprising.com/
🌐Game CP: https://uprisingforce.gamecp.net/
🌐Download the game: https://bit.ly/3n42g8g
🔰Facebook Page: https://bit.ly/3rpFURP
🔰Register here/Game CP: https://bit.ly/3hkZI3V
🔰RF The Uprising Community/Group: https://bit.ly/3nS4cle
🔰RF The Uprising RMT Group: https://bit.ly/3nXSOEA